Executive round table discussion


Up’s mission is to close the gap between young adults seeking economic opportunity and companies seeking talent, referred to as the Opportunity Divide.

In pursuit of our mission, and as part of the national Year Up organization, Year Up Puget Sound (YUPS) opened its doors in 2011. Through a combination of technical and essential skills-based training, high support through coaching and wraparound resources, educational stipends, work-based experiences, and robust alumni engagement, YUPS prepares young adults for meaningful careers and economic mobility.

Learner Success Story: Fuad Mohamed

Fuad Mohamed, a 2018 graduate of Year Up Puget Sound, exemplifies the impact of our program. Returning as an Alumni speaker in 2023, Fuad shared his journey, highlighting how Year Up’s support continued well beyond program completion. Despite facing tech job layoffs, Fuad leaned on his network and Year Up’s resources, securing a new role at Microsoft as a Senior Consultant.

“Year Up helped me think outside the box and literally placed me outside the box, in the corporate world. I honestly don’t know any other organization that would’ve bet on me and invested in me the way Year Up did,” Fuad shared.